The Horse Riding Confidence Solution™
It's time to stop feeling anxious, frustrated, and defeated.
It's time for you to enjoy riding (and every moment you spend with your horse).
Lori Calvin Anne Gage You and your program are helping me to feel better about myself. I have seen myself responding from a place of calm confidence as my horses respond to less than peaceful environments! I am hopeful that I will be able to calmly and happily ride Jill on the trails!
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The Horse Riding Confidence Solution™ | 5 Week Fear Busting Program
Whether you're a happy hacker, a weekend warrior or a competitive rider, you know you can't do your best if you're not a confident horse rider.
- Do you worry that you might be ruining your horse because you’re so tense?
- Are you plagued by “what if” thinking (what if this happens? What if that happens?)
- Do memories of a past bad experience flash into your mind and have you doubting your riding ability or not trusting your horse?
- Do you get knots in your stomach, shaking hands or even feel like throwing up before riding?
- Have you been told over and over to “just get over it”? But you can’t. If you could you would, wouldn’t you?
It is possible to stop that kind of thinking!
It is possible to just tack up your horse and go for a ride - with a smile on your face. Loving every minute of it!

The Horse Riding Confidence Solution™ is the perfect program for fearful horse riders wanting to get over the emotional trauma of a bad fall, an injury, or after having a long time away from riding.
(Even if you're not sure WHY you now feel anxious about riding.)
Whether you’ve been riding since you were a child or have started learning more recently and are struggling with nerves, anxiety about riding and you just want to enjoy every ride.
You want freedom to enjoy all the things you dream of doing with your horse. You want freedom from fear. You want to feel connected and safe with your horse.
If this sounds like you, this effective, proven program helps you to rein in unhelpful worrying, negative thoughts, and negative emotions so you can get back in the saddle with confidence and joy.
Hi Anne, I rode Digger Sunday morning, first ride In two months, I moved him to a friend's indoor arena where there are a dozen other horses. I tacked him up, lunged very little both ways then put my helmet on and mounted up!!!! No mind gremlins bothered me ... even when my friend said oh you’re feeling brave today I replied yes every day, Digger and I will be fine.... and we were !!! Thanks again Anne
The focus is on helping you build your horse riding confidence by:
- Overcoming past traumas so you’re able to release negative thoughts and emotions, and be in the moment with your horse
- Learning how to effectively manage anxiety and what-if thinking so you can think clearly, make decisions, and get great results
- Gaining techniques to help you stop those nerves as soon as you feel them so that you feel safe and calm anytime and anywhere
- Building positive experiences for you and your horse so your confidence and partnership grows
- Developing a new positive, empowering perspective about riding - and what you're truly capable of doing
- Learning effective strategies that help you become a calm, confident, and clear thinking rider who makes the best decisions to keep you and your horse safe
How It Works:
- Each week for 5 weeks, you’ll get access to a new module with short, easy to consume videos. You can also download the audio files to listen to at any time.
- Each module takes you through a different technique to help you build a more confident, resourceful, and resilient mindset.
- You’ll let go of limiting beliefs. You’ll release the negative emotions connected to past experiences.
- You'll see and believe in your confident future self.
- And you’ll stop the cycle of unhelpful negative thinking - training your mind to be more resourceful and empowering. So you feel confident quickly.
- You have lifetime access to the videos and other resources in the course.
- UPGRADE to PLUS and get 2 months FREE membership in The Horse Riding Confidence Club (my online group coaching VIP membership) - value $104
- UPGRADE to VIP and get a personalised 1:1 online coaching session with me (schedule your private session anytime within 3 months of buying the program) PLUS 2 months free membership in The Horse Riding Confidence Club
You can do this! Yes, it will work for you!
Imagine yourself enjoying riding your horse with confidence
- and doing all the activities you've been dreaming of doing!
The Result
MaryBeth Patten Great day! My horse, Rose, loaded into the trailer with just a bit of hesitancy. Later at the barn, I was able to mount her while totally alone in the arena with my fear level maybe a 4 out of10. I've also starting riding with stirrups and 2-pointing. circling without reins. And hard trotting without panicking. All this since I took Anne's course. Can't wait to go back tomorrow and do it again!
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UPGRADE TO PLUS $497: Get 2 months FREE membership in The Horse Riding Confidence Club and join the bi-weekly group coaching sessions on Zoom (Value $104)
UPGRADE TO VIP $597: Get everything in the Basic and Plus options AND a personalised 1:1 confident mindset coaching session with Anne Gage via Zoom (Value $197) Schedule your session anytime up to 3 months after registering for the program.
Ready to get in the saddle with confidence and enjoy every ride?
Register for The Horse Riding Confidence Solution Program™
All the video trainings
Includes group coaching (on Zoom)
Includes 1:1 Coaching Session (on Zoom)
Simple, fast and effective flexible move
Creative working space, not noisy, fully equipped and convenient
Simple, fast and effective flexible move
About Anne Gage
I'm Anne Gage, the Horse Riding Confidence Coach and creator of The Horse Riding Confidence Solution program.
While I have over 30 years of experience as a riding coach and horse trainer, I know what it feels like to completely lose your confidence.
After a fall from one of my own horses, I became so anxious that I couldn't put my foot in the stirrup.
I had to figure out on my own how to regain my confidence. It took me quite a long time because I had no one to help me.
Because I want it to be faster and simpler for you than it was for me, I studied amazing mindset techniques so you'll see positive changes during every week of this program.
Because you need to to feel the freedom of riding NOW. Not in 6 months, a year or 5 years from now.
Techniques and strategies that I use with my 1:1 coaching clients (and still use myself) are inside this program so you can get back in the saddle with JOY sooner than you expect!
I've helped hundreds of anxious horse riders become confident and deepen their partnerships with their horses. Let's get you back in the saddle with confidence so you can enjoy every ride.
This program is where your journey to realising your horse riding dreams begins.
Click on the question below to open the answer.
Riding is not necessary during the course. The course focuses on your mindset, releasing negative thinking and emotions connected to past experiences, and creating a positive future.
In fact, it's important that you practice the techniques when you're not riding so they become second nature when you are in the saddle.
You don't need to do any riding during the course. The course focuses on your giving you mindset techniques to stop negative thinking and emotions.
In fact, it's important that you practice the techniques when you're not riding so they become second nature.
And you can also apply these techniques if you're nervous handling horses from the ground.
Absolutely, yes! When you've had a long absence from riding, what-if thinking and catastrophising can cause you to doubt your abilities.
This course focuses on teaching you mindset tools and techniques to release the negative thoughts and emotions connected to past experiences, stop self-doubt and replace negative thinking with solution-focused thinking.
You'll also learn how to set (and achieve) your personal riding goals.
Absolutely, yes! I'm a specialist in working with anxious riders. In this course, I'm sharing the proven and effective tools and techniques that helped me rebuild my confidence (and that I now use when working with my 1:1 clients).
If you have deep anxiety (like PTSD or panic attacks) related to a past accident or experience, please consider taking my 30 Day 1:1 Confidence Breakthrough Coaching Program.
Each week you get access to a pre-recorded video so you can access it on your own schedule.
Audio and PDF files can be downloaded so you can access them whenever and wherever it's most convenient for you - without needing an internet connection. Listen whilst you're driving, shopping, doing housework or barn chores, etc.
You also get downloadable worksheets and exercises designed to help you really understand what's behind your fear, get control of your fear and put the confidence building techniques into action.
Plus additional support through the private Facebook Group (lifetime access) AND group coaching on Zoom with your FREE one month membership in The Horse Riding Confidence Club.
You get lifetime access to the recorded trainings and other resources. So you can come back and review them whenever you need a refresher.
No, sorry! The program is for your own personal use. Please do not copy, sell or give away any of the materials. All the information in The Horse Riding Confidence Solution Program (™) is my copyright.
If you know of someone who would benefit from the program, please invite them to join the program. Or you can buy it for them as a gift.
Yes, absolutely! I encourage you to schedule a free chat on Zoom. You can explain about your situation and I'll tell if this program is the best option of for you or if another one of my services would be more appropriate for you.
CLICK HERE to schedule your free call
Legal Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to accurately represent our products and their potential. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, don’t apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation.
Copyright - The Horse Riding Confidence Coach 2024