A new student has recently started taking riding lessons from me. She has taken riding lessons before. In her other riding lessons, she was trotting and even cantered once – sort of on purpose.
In her lessons with me, she is on a lunge line (well – the horse she is riding is on the lunge line). In my riding lessons, students stay on the lunge line until they are able to steer and control the horse without pulling on the reins.
My new student is finding this very different from her previous lessons. She used to pull the reins to steer. But now she is noticing the connection between her body and the horse’s body. How the horse’s body moves and how her body moves with his movement when she releases tension from her muscles and joints. How she can steer and control the horse when she uses her seat and her legs in specific ways that work with the timing of the horse’s movement. How the horse relaxes when she relaxes.
She is finding how wonderful riding feels when it all comes together.
And when you learn to ride this way – with an independent seat and reins that only act as boundaries – you can ride like Richard Spooner did in the video above.
When Mr. Spooner knew that he and his horse were in trouble he dropped his reins, followed his horse’s movement and trusted his horse to get them out of the mess safely. And, his horse had enough trust, balance and self carriage to get the job done.
That’s what trust looks like.
That’s what partnership looks like.
That’s what good riding looks like.
What would happen if you dropped your reins? Would your horse stay balanced and listen to your seat?
I would love to hear what the greatest challenge is that you are facing with your horse right now. What challenges have you faced and overcome? Share in the comments below.
If you want to work with me live and in person to learn more strategies and techniques for increasing your confidence, improving your horse’s behaviour and building a stronger partnership with your horse, visit my website or contact me about hosting a clinic or workshop at your location.
Enjoy your journey.

Interested in organizing a clinic at your location? Click here for more information.
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You’re welcome to use this article in your newsletter or blog as long as you include my credit information: ~ Written by Anne Gage, Confident Horsemanship (www.annegage.com).
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Anne Gage ~ Confident Horsemanship – Putting you and your horse in good hands.
Facebook Group – Horseback Riding Solutions with Anne Gage
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