You’re thinking of buying a young horse so you (or your child) can develop a bond and learn together. Or maybe you want a horse that’s a ‘clean slate’.  You want to find your dream horse.See Beyond the Outside Beauty

Unfortunately, that dream horse can become a night mare if you buy a horse that is the wrong match for you – especially if you believe the common horse buying myths.

Here are 3 common myths about buying a young horse and, more importantly, a reality check for each one.

Myth #1 –  A young horse costs less than an older, more experienced horse.  It takes years to train a horse well and no time at all to teach a horse undesirable (unsafe) behaviours and to shatter his confidence.  You may be able to buy a young horse for less money, but any money saved will be spent on training (and then some!)    Riding lessons and horse training can cost thousands of dollars.   And, even that doesn’t guarantee that the “finished” horse will be the right partner for you.

Reality Check – Budget to purchase an older horse that already has training and experience doing the type of work you desire.  You’ll save money in the long run and both you and your horse will be happier, more confident and better partners for each other.

Myth #2 – You will learn together and develop a stronger bond.  There is a well used saying in the horse world that”green on green equals black and blue”.  You cannot learn to ride well or improve your own riding skills while working with a horse with no or very little training.  Young horses are unbalanced, unpredictable and need to have an experienced rider who has the knowledge and riding skill to give them a good start. Riding horses has inherent risk no matter what level of experience you have.  The risk  increases exponentially when an inexperienced rider is on an inexperienced horse.

Reality Check – Riding is a partnership and one of the partners should know more than the other.  Green riders learn more, faster and have more confidence when partnered with a well-schooled, experienced horse with a patient, forgiving temperament for their first equine partner.   The same is true for green horses.

Myth #3 – Older horses cost more to keep.   While some older horses may need extra supplements and some TLC to keep their bodies healthy and comfortable, these extras are generally not expensive (and are certainly less expensive than the cost of training a young horse correctly).  Unexpected veterinary expenses happen with horses of all ages. Even young horses get sick and injured – sometimes simply through youthful exuberance, inquisitiveness and poor decisions.

Reality Check – Horses – much like people – are living longer and staying healthier than they used to.  All horses, regardless of their age, require regular farrier and veterinary care, and nutrition appropriate for their stage of life and activity level. These regular expenses as well as unexpected veterinary expenses should be included in your horse keeping budget.

“Having a horse that can be your teacher, partner and friend – this is a dream come true.”

The Bottom Line – Put temperament and training at the top of your horse shopping priority list.  Breed papers, colour and appearance don’t mean a thing if the horse’s temperament doesn’t suit you or he needs a lot of training to do what you need.  A well-trained, ugly (if there is such a thing) horse with a good temperament will be a much better partner than the beautiful, registered, green horse with challenging personality traits.

As I advise my clients, the absolute best way to get the horse of your dreams is being clear about your own skills and goals, knowing what to look for and being prepared before you go shopping.

You can instantly download more horse buying tips in my ebooklet ’92 Tips You Must Know Before Buying Your First (or Next) Horse‘.

These tips will guide you through every step of the horse buying journey – how to prepare, where to look, what to look for, making an offer and what to do before bringing your new horse home.

Your Turn

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For more practical and in depth tips on improving your Confidence and your Partnership with your horse, order my book “Confident Rider, Confident Horse: Build Your Confidence While Improving Your Partnership with Your Horse from the Ground to the Saddle”.   NOW AVAILABLE on!

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Brought to you by Anne Gage ~ Confident Horsemanship – Putting you and your horse in good hands.

About the Author

Anne Gage, The Horse Riding Confidence Coach

Anne Gage, The Horse Riding Confidence Coach, began specialising in helping anxious horse riders after losing her own riding confidence while she was a professional riding coach and horse trainer!

As a recovered anxious rider, Anne knows what it’s like to be truly terrified to ride. She also knows how important the relationship between horse and rider is for confidence.

Anne’s unique coaching includes riding and horsemanship skills combined with qualifications in equine behaviour, NLP, and hypnosis. (But don’t worry, she won’t have you clucking like a chicken!).

Anne is a popular clinician, a regular contributor to Horse Canada magazine and The Rider, and the author of the book, Confident Rider Confident Horse.

Anne lives with her husband of 40+ years, 2 dogs, 3 cats, and 3 horses on their farm north of Orangeville, Ontario.

Find out more at

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