Overthinking causes tension and self doubt that negatively affects your performance and horse riding confidence.
You're looking for problems instead of being in the present moment. Read on to learn how to stop over thinking when horse riding so you can ride your horse confidently.
7 Ways To Stop Overthinking When Horse Riding
Your mind can only focus on one thought at a time. So, prevent overthinking and keep your mind busy with positive and product thoughts.
Here are seven effective techniques you can use to stop overthinking when horse riding. Each one will help you to connect with your horse.
#1. Focus on your horse's rhythm and maintain it to stop overthinking when horse riding.
Count out loud - 1-2-3-4 for the walk; 1-2-1-2 for the trot; and 1-2-3 for the canter. This simple act of counting really does stop you from overthinking!
#2. Play background music to stop overthinking when horse riding.
Match your horse's rhythm to the music in any gait.
Sing along or hum the tunes to keep yourself breathing. As you focus on the words or tune, your mind is not overthinking.
# 3. Count your horse's steps to stop overthinking when horse riding.
To stop overthinking when horse riding, count your horse's foot steps and notice which foot is stepping when.
Can you feel when his hind left foot comes forward? What about the hind right?
If that's too easy, place two poles several feet apart and count the number of steps your horse takes between the poles.
On the trail, count the steps between two landmarks (i.e. trees, rocks, etc.)
#4. Tune into the movement of your seat to stop overthinking when horse riding.
Can you feel your hips drop and then swing forward (left and then right, left and then right) as your horse walks?
One hip drops and moves backwards as the other lifts and moves forwards.
If your hips only move side to side, relax your lower back and tip your seat bones towards the ground.
#5. Notice where your horse has put his focus to stop overthinking when horse riding.
Your mind can only hold one thought at a time. So give it something useful to focus on like noticing what your horse is noticing.
Is his attention on you or something else?
If it's somewhere else, bring it back to you by keeping him busy with transitions or changes of direction.
Keep the ride interesting for him and help him to carry himself in a healthy posture.
#6. Change direction and gaits often to stop overthinking when horse riding.
Riding around and around the outside of the ring for long periods of time in one gait is b-o-r-i-n-g for you and for your horse.
Making up different patterns stops you from overthinking when horse riding because it gives your mind something specific to focus on.
Cover the middle of the arena or school with lots of changes of direction.
Use objects in the school or on the trail (i.e. dressage letters, cones, trees, rocks, etc.) and ride patterns to, around and between them.
When you focus on changing up the pattern, your brain is focused and will stop overthinking.
#7. Move different parts of your body quietly to release tension to stop overthinking when horse riding.
Releasing tension in your body helps relieve tension in your mind and helps you to stop overthinking when horse riding.
Wiggle your toes in your boots. Wiggle your fingers without moving your reins.
Roll your shoulders without moving your hands.
Notice if you're bracing anywhere as you do this exercise.
Stop Overthinking When Horse Riding By Being Present
When you bring your focus into the present moment, you'll stop overthinking.
Because your mind can't focus on two thoughts at the same time. So, you'll decrease your stress and tension.
You'll be able to Enjoy Every Ride!
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