While composing this website, the greatest care was put in the correctness of the information. However, the author, Anne Gage, cannot be held responsible for any information that might be incorrect on this website.
The author does not take liability for potential damage that may occur as a consequence of incorrect or incomplete information on this website or as a consequence of incorrect translation.
It is very important that you seek professional assistance when you have no or little experience handling, riding or training horses or are having issues with your horse.
The website and programs contain general information in an effort to assist people in regard to owning, keeping and/or training horses. Working with and around horses can be a dangerous activity, which could result in serious injury or death. Because of the unpredictable nature of horses, Anne Gage will not assume any liability for your activities related to this information contained in her programs or website or not.
Information on this website and in the programs is drawn from personal experience and other sources that the author believes or believed at the time of writing to be reliable and accurate. It provides basic instruction and information that may not be suitable for every rider or every horse. No warranty is given as to the suitability of this instruction and information to you, or to anyone with whom you share this instruction and information. Furthermore, riding instructors using these techniques and information must assume liability for sharing this information. Personal instruction may be more suitable for some individuals.
It is highly recommended that you:
- Consult a physician to ensure that you are in good physical condition
- Wear appropriate attire including an approved riding helmet and appropriate riding boots
- Attempt all riding lessons on a sound, quiet and well trained horse
- Ensure your horse and equipment are in good working condition
- Ride with supervision
Please consult a local horse training professional if you are having issues with your horse.
As information on this website is not specifically tailored to the needs of individuals, persons using it, or acting in reliance upon it, do so at their own risk.
Hypnosis Disclaimer
The content of this website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition.
If you are epileptic or suffer from a psychotic illness it is not generally recommended that you undergo hypnotherapy or listen to a hypnotic recording.
As a certified Hypnotherapist, I am not a licensed healthcare provider. I am not a social worker, psychologist, psychological counsellor, psychotherapist or doctor of any kind. Hypnotherapy is for vocational and avocational self-improvement, self-awareness and personal growth. My services are non-diagnostic and do not include the practice of medicine, or treatment of any illness or disease. They are not a substitute for licensed medical or psychological services or procedures. Hypnosis can be an effective support for some issues that may have an underlying medical or psychological cause. A written referral from your attending licensed healthcare professional will be required to augment any treatment plan prepared by a medical professional. Even after such a referral, your overall progress and wellness must be monitored by licensed health professionals.
Hypnosis works with the power of the subconscious mind to change habits and behaviors. Many believe the subconscious mind is the source of our motivation, behaviour, emotions, choices attitudes and motivations. I believe hypnosis is a powerful tool for accessing the subconscious mind and enabling people to improve their lives.
Hypnotherapy services consist of a program of conditioning, including a number of private sessions, the exact number and frequency of which are mutually agreed depending on the specific needs of the client.
As a Hypnotherapist, I commit to trying to the best of my ability to help the client achieve the objectives of their sessions. Hypnosis may be an effective technique; however, the effectiveness of any given program of hypnotherapy may vary from individual to individual, and no specific results, outcomes, or progress can be promised or guaranteed.
During a hypnotherapy session, clients remain completely aware of everything that is going on. They may experience hyper-awareness where perceptions and the ability to visualize or imagine are enhanced. Deep relaxation is typical. Hypnosis may elicit apparent memories of past events that may or may not be literally true. Memories, images or experiences recalled under hypnosis may be distorted or misconstrued, are not necessarily accurate and may be drawn from subconscious elements or a composite of memories, including memories of things that were not necessarily personally experienced. It is not possible to determine whether a specific memory is true or false, even if it seems true to the client.
Information revealed during sessions is held confidential in accordance with legal privacy requirements.
Hypnotherapy sessions are only conducted with informed consent.
Client understands that Anne Gage is not an agent, accountant, financial planner, lawyer, therapist, or any other licensed or registered professional. Coaching, which is not directive advice, counselling, or therapy, may address overall goals, specific projects, or general conditions in Client’s life or profession. Hypnosis and coaching services may include hypnosis, guided visualization, setting priorities, establishing goals, identifying resources, brainstorming, creating action plans, strategizing, asking clarifying questions, and providing models, examples, and in-the-moment skills training.
Last Updated February 5, 2024