How To Ride A Spooky Horse Calmly

How do you handle it when you're riding a spooky horse? Does it completely unsettle you? Or your horse?

It doesn't have to. When you know how to calm yourself and your spooky horse.

Read on to find out how I handled a spooky situation recently...

Be Aware of How Your Spooky Horse Feels

As I rode my client's horse the other afternoon, I was very aware that the wind had picked up. And the horse was very aware, too!

The strong gusts of wind were blowing the autumn leaves from the trees. And we could hear the staccato "tick... tick ........ tick" as they randomly hit the windows around the arena.

I knew there was a strong potential for the horse to spook in this situation.

And, just to keep it interesting ... an occasional branch tapped on the window, too.

I knew "F" was worried. He'd been a bit tense when I was tacking him up. Unusual for him ... he turned his head away when I presented the bridle.

Spooky Horse - Change Your Plan

I don't enjoy riding a spooking horse anymore than you do. (Click to download my free cheatsheet with 5 quick tips to feel calmer when riding)

So, I said "Okay, buddy. Let's go in the arena and you can move around as you need to."

It's easier to manage a spooky horse from the ground than it is to ride a spook. So, we started with simple ground work. Easy things that the horse knows well and can do even when he's feeling stressed.

As I walked around, the horse stayed with me. But, his subtle signs of tension - the tented upper eye lid, flipping ears and high head were all clearly communicating how he was feeling... not safe.

With him at liberty, we did a little free lunging at walk and trot in both directions. A little bit of simple pole work.

That way, he had the freedom to move away from anything that spooked him. And having that freedom helped decrease his stress.

After a few minutes of this simple groundwork, he hadn't spooked, he was less tense and he accepted his bridle willingly and easily.

Don't Be In A Hurry with a Spooky Horse

Next, we went to the mounting block. I kept checking in with him to see when he was ready for me to get in the saddle.

No hurry. It was important that he was relaxed as I got on his back. The less tense he feels, the less chance that the horse will spook.

Once aboard, we walked only in the area of the arena where he felt safest - his comfort zone. Keeping him on a circle gave me more control if I did have to ride a spook. But, he was fairly relaxed in this area.

And gradually, we ventured out a bit further until I felt him get tense. Then back to safety so he could relax. Then ventured out again.

And then it happened!

The spook!

It felt like his back had dropped right to the floor. And his head went up to the rafters.

Use Quick Techniques To Calm Yourself and Your Spooky Horse

Fortunately, "F" didn't go anywhere when he spooked.

As I regained my posture (and composure) ... and exhaled deeply ... my spooky horse stood frozen in place.

I extended my peripheral vision (hakalau).

Quick Tip: Breathing techniques and hakalau are the top 2 strategies I teach my clients for calming anxiety quickly.

I inhaled deeply feeling his heart pounding beneath me.

I spoke quietly and calmly to him, telling him he was fine. We were okay. As I stroked his neck gently.

Quick Tip: Having a short mantra to repeat out loud gets you breathing and is easy to recall when you feel anxious.

And he believed me. ?

Go Back To The Comfort Zone (for yourself and your spooky horse)

Right after the spook, we went back to his safe place.

And he soon resumed his quiet, relaxed walk. Long, level neck. Swinging back. Breathing.

Some days getting a nice, relaxed walk in your horse's (or your) comfort zone is enough. And it's still a good ride.

Enjoy every ride.

How To Handle A Spooky Horse

Are You Frustrated Or Frightened By Your Horse Spooking?

The Masterclass: How To Handle A Spooky Horse is for you!

All that spooking means you can't completely trust your horse. And you question if it means he doesn't completely trust you either.

And you really want to feel safe when you're handling or riding him

You'll leave this masterclass with a greater understanding of what's causing your horse to spook, what to do to help him feel calmer, and tools for keeping yourself calm, as well.

So you both feel safe and can enjoy every ride.

 This 90 minute Masterclass is $59USD

About the Author

Anne Gage, The Horse Riding Confidence Coach

Anne Gage, The Horse Riding Confidence Coach, began specialising in helping anxious horse riders after losing her own riding confidence while she was a professional riding coach and horse trainer!

As a recovered anxious rider, Anne knows what it’s like to be truly terrified to ride. She also knows how important the relationship between horse and rider is for confidence.

Anne’s unique coaching includes riding and horsemanship skills combined with qualifications in equine behaviour, NLP, and hypnosis. (But don’t worry, she won’t have you clucking like a chicken!).

Anne is a popular clinician, a regular contributor to Horse Canada magazine and The Rider, and the author of the book, Confident Rider Confident Horse.

Anne lives with her husband of 40+ years, 2 dogs, 3 cats, and 3 horses on their farm north of Orangeville, Ontario.

Find out more at

7 Mindset Shifts You Can Make Now To Be A More Confident Horse Rider

Free Guide - 7 Mindset Shifts You Can Make Right Now To Be A More Confident Horse Rider

Struggling with your horse riding confidence? This free guide tells you about 7 common mindset shifts anxious horse riders can make to improve your horse riding confidence.

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