If your horse is resistant, spooky or unbalanced when you ride him, take a good look at his posture.  How he carries himself (his frame) effects how he feels physically and mentally as well as his ability to perform well.

Horses naturally carry themselves in 3 postures.  Looking along the spine from croup to withers, the back is either Level (relatively straight), Round (slightly lifted) or Hollow (dropped or concave).

Healthy Postures – Level and Round:  Both of these frames benefit the horse because his core muscles are activated and strengthened.  Just like our core muscles, they give more support to the back.  The further the horse’s hindquarters reach underneath his body, the more his back is naturally lifted and supported by his core muscles. and the less strain there is on his spine, joints and muscles.

Unhealthy Posture – Hollow:   When the horse braces and drops his back, his neck is up and his hindquarters trail behind.  Instead of pushing with his hind legs, he pulls himself forward with his front legs.  His movements are awkward, stiff and unbalanced.  There is increased stress and strain on his spine, muscles, and joints.  This physical stress negatively effects his mental state and he becomes more reactive, spooky and difficult to ride.


Nervous Riders & the Hollow Backed Horse:   Horses and riders mirror each other.  Nervous riders, carry tension in their seat, back, legs and arms.  The horse drops his back in response to the pressure from the riders’ tense seat; and, braces his neck, poll and jaw against tension coming through the reins from the rider’s arms and hands.

A less experienced or nervous rider will find it difficult to maintain her position, balance, and confidence when riding a hollow backed horse.  And so, an endless loop of stress, tension and imbalance is created between rider and horse.

To end this loop, you and your horse both need to go back to basics.

[tweetthis]Improving your #horse’s posture helps you both feel more calm and confident. @AnneGage[/tweetthis]

Horse_Behavour_Book_LTJFor your horse, do ground work that helps him lengthen and stretch his back, build his core strength and engage his hindquarters. Avoid using gadgets that force the horse to keep his head low.  Force does not create relaxation and suppleness. Instead, a good place to start is with a playground of poles and small cavalletti (raised poles) in different patterns that you can walk your horse through slowly and calmly.  Linda Tellington Jones offers some wonderful ideas.  When you and your horse can comfortably negotiate these obstacles from the ground, put some together that you can walk over while riding.

For you, take some lessons on a quiet, steady horse with a professional who will help you develop a secure, independent seat.  Lessons on the lunge line are great for helping you become a more balanced, supple and aware rider.  When your body and mind are tension free, you truly open up two way communication with your horse.

When your horse has a healthy posture and you are relaxed and balanced on his back, you will both feel more calm and confident together.  That’s a true partnership.

Need help with your riding position?  Book a Ride Analysis Session with me.  Also available in Virtual Lessons

Click here to read next article. – When Your Horse Won’t Go Forward – 4 Mistakes You Might Be Making
There are lots more practical and in depth tips on improving your Confidence and your Partnership with your horse in my book “Confident Rider, Confident Horse: Build Your Confidence While Improving Your Partnership with Your Horse from the Ground to the Saddle”.   Click here to order  your copy today!
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You’re welcome to use this article in your blog or newsletter as long as you notify me and give my credit information. ~ Written by Anne Gage of Confident Horsemanship (www.ConfidentHorsemanship.com
Anne Gage started Confident Horsemanship in 2002 after suffering the loss of her confidence for riding.  As she worked on regaining her confidence she discovered that many horse women were suffering in silence – thinking they were alone. Anne works with horse women to help them regain their CONFIDENCE and PASSION for riding while building a PARTNERSHIP with their horses that they deserve.
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